日前,科莱曼(KLEEMANN)荣获由全球最权威的项目管理办公室机构PMOGA(The PMO Global Alliance)评选的“2022年度欧洲PMO”奖项冠军。
KLEEMANN won first place in Europe with the "2022 Europe PMO of the Year" award in the most prestigious PMO awards institution worldwide.
与此同时,科莱曼PMO的负责人Eleftherios Rousoudis先生也成功入围 “2022PMO欧洲领导者”三强。
At the same time, the company's PMO, Eleftherios Rousoudis, is among the three finalists in the "2022 Europe PMO Leader of the Year" category.
The competition is still ongoing for the global title of "2022 World PMO of the Year" with KLEEMANN in the Final Four nominees !