2022希腊船舶海事展览会Posidonia | 科莱曼电梯展位期待您的光临

希腊船舶海事展览会Posidonia, 是希腊最大的国际型船舶展览会,两年一届。本届展会将于2022年 6月6-10日在希腊雅典的大都会博览中心举行。


更多信息欢迎致电0512-3682 3223~~~

Posidonia, the biggest international shipping exhibition in Greece, is taking place 6-10 June, at the Athens Metropolitan Expo. KLEEMANN team will be there, showcasing trusted marine solutions that combine quality, cutting-edge technology and tailor-made design options.
Meet up with our team to discuss about your project and explore together the ideal KLEEMANN marine solution.